Read on for your programming update on what to expect over the coming weeks in the Shapesmiths CrossFit® program!
Following on from the previous 6-week block, as promised we progress the back squat work, add in some more front squats (which has huge carry over to Cleans), shoulder to overhead and start to include Deadlifts to accompany LOTS of ‘pulling’ from the ground
The above is all in preparation for a Benchmark workout called ‘The Shapesmiths Total’ (TST) which will be on the program in the subsequent 6 week block. TST will test your front squat, deadlift and push press. This is a variation on the classic CrossFit® Total which has Deadlift, Squat and Strict Press.
We like the push press as a test in our total because of the crossover to many other shoulder to overhead elements. By simply incorporating a Push Press into our total it also removes the temptation that comes with the strict press, to bend at the knees and hips to get a boost.
Speaking of the push press…
The next six weeks see’s plenty of barbell pressing. But watch out for handstand push up work and dumbbell pressing as well as ring dips. They will all have huge carry over to your push press with a barbell as the are similar in movement pattern. Even kettlebell windmills will help your lockout overhead!
An old saying in CrossFit® is ‘Everything is everything’ and it certainly is when it comes to movement patterns in CrossFit® benefiting each other via the universal motor recruitment pattern.
Some further themes:
– Gymnastics Development: Toes to Bar & Knees to Elbow. We are prepping you this cycle for a benchmark workout called ‘Robin’
– Barbell Cycling and hitting some intensity. Unbroken Power cleans for example provide a huge challenge on Thursday of this week. It’s important that you modify/scale to an appropriately challenging weight!
Top Tip: for those who are looking to develop strength, you can use this WOD to do just that. Plan your jumps for the P) section of the warm up so you can test yourself a little in sets of 2-3 reps and be at WOD weight within 8:00
For example if your 1RM is 100KGs…when the 8:00 starts, begin with 60KGs for a set of 3 x 2, then hit 70KG for 2 x 1, 80KG x 2 reps, 85KG x 2 reps x 2 sets before heading back down to WOD weight, around 50-60KG for. the set of 10 if you think that is do-able for 4 rounds.
Often you will find there is time to build and get in some heavier reps in the P) section of the warm up. Another example was the workout Poison Ivy, coming up in two weeks on Tuesday. Plenty time to build your OHS and challenge yourself as long as you plan your jumps and know your numbers. Always room to use an RPE (rate of perceived exertion) if you are not quite up to date on your numbers.
– A Strength/Heavy Day is coming on Monday of next week! Strict Press and Strict Pull Up day is an ideal day to develop press and pulling for the Shapesmiths total and also for those who want to get a strong pull up foundation!
Read more why we program heavy days at Shapesmiths here;
– Further themes (which have also been consistent in every program block since 2016) include covering off the seven ways the body moves, each week:
Squat – Hinge- Push/Pull – Flex Extend – Rotate & Twist – Run – Jump
We build around these seven themes with classic CrossFit® exercises, to make several couplets, triplets, chippers and more!
Ever wondered what R)AM)P) sections of our warm up stand for? Read all below!
Happy Wodding, fitness friends!!