Beginners at Shapesmiths

Workout and Programming

CrossFit® Shapesmiths is incredibly beginner-friendly. We offer classes, workshops, and seminars specifically designed to build your confidence and improve your skills, such as Gymnastics for CrossFit® and Weightlifting.

Our coaches are experts in scaling workouts to suit your current ability, and they’re always happy to assist. If you’ve attended one of our benchmark workouts, note that these make up 30% of the classes here. They are designed to provide a snapshot of your current fitness level and are data-driven. We encourage specific movement standards to ensure everything is measurable, repeatable, and observable. This helps you clearly track your progress over time.

Please note: Benchmark days include different options for varied abilities (Rx, Intermediate, and Novice), and we can scale it further if needed. Never feel pressured to complete the workout exactly as programmed. What matters most is showing up, enjoying yourself, and getting a great workout. Your CrossFit® abilities will develop over time—it’s much like learning to drive. You don’t need to be an expert before taking lessons. Think of each CrossFit® class as a learning opportunity, where you’ll pick up 1 or 2 key skills each session.

The majority of classes at Shapesmiths (60%) are Practice Days, featuring built-in rest periods to maintain high-quality movement—perfect for getting familiar with the exercises. Many novices at our gym are thriving, and the environment is super friendly and supportive. When you first start, it’s normal to find the exercise names and routines a bit confusing—there’s an acclimatisation period, much like starting a new job at a new company. In no time, you’ll become familiar with the terminology and how things work.

The final 10% of classes are characterised as resilience days. On these days we will do hard things, BUT help you to find a version of the workout you all can do. We will often set you a challenge or a stretch goal. We ask that you focus on the four things that during a workout will help you develop resilience. 1) Goal Setting 2) positive self talk 3) focussing on your breathing 4) visualising yourself performing movements well and visualising a successful rep/set/ round/workout!

If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask the coaches—they’re approachable and happy to help!

We also have a handy FAQ here for you if you want to delver deeper!

The Community Element

New to Shapesmiths and keen to meet people? Have a look at our Events Diary—it’s packed with workshops and social events, perfect for connecting with others!

Don’t miss the Shapesmiths Mixer Workout & Social coming up on 21st September, with more happening at regular intervals throughout the year. Over the coming months, you’ll have plenty of chances to meet other members of the CrossFit® Shapesmiths community. We’ve got Halloween and Christmas parties in the pipeline, as well as regular meetups! Whether you’re new to the gym, struggle to socialise during the week, or just fancy getting involved, we’ve got something for everyone.

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